NVSC Adult League Rules Updates

NVSC Adult League Rules Updates

There have been some updates to the NVSC Adult Co-ed Rules of Play for Fall 2008.  Those updates are highlighted below.  You can download and print them for future reference through the link to the left or from the Forms link on the Arbiter Site.

Roster Checks - Roster checks are not mandatory.  Players check in with the tables that are set up each night. However, you have a roster and are encouraged to check all players in at your fields each night. 

Yellow Card Accumulation - The yellow card accumulation rule has been revised as well.  It is now three (3) yellow cards anytime during the season will require a one game sit-out by the offending player OR by receiving a yellow card in consecutive matches will also require a one game sit-out.  The 5 minute sit-out time for the issuance of any yellow card is still required by the Rules of Play.

Jewelry - We do allow some jewelry on the field.  Watches must be covered by a sweatband or full sleeve that protects the watch as well as others. Earrings are at the discretion of the referee. They are allowed, but if they are a risk to player safety must be removed. 

Metal Studs - Metal studs, are not allowed in the adult leagues. 

Slide Tackling - There is no slide tackling in this league.  We all know that a slide tackle requires two players and the ball in order to be a slide tackle.  It is your decision as to whether it is excessive or serious foul play, if a player decides to leave his/her feet to execute a slide tackle.


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Clubhouse Information

Clubhouse Information

Office Address

14424 Bristow Road Manassas, VA 20112

Hours of Operation:

Tuesdays: 5:00pm - 7:00pm

Wednesdays: 5:00pm - 7:00pm

Thursdays: 5:00pm - 7:00pm