Guest Player Instructions
Guest Players:
You are allowed 5 guest players. You can not go over your team roster limit with the guest players, 12 for U9/10, 16 for U11/12, 22 for U13 through U19.
Guest players must have player cards issued by USYS or US Club can not mix player in short you can not have a USYS player card with a US Club Soccer roster or vice versa.
Guest players can't be from a team that is already playing in the tournament.
Guest players CAN be recreational players, they will need a recreational player card from the club they play recreational soccer.
All guest players must have a medical release (whatever one you use for your club is fine, there is NO special tournament medical release).
Write the names of the guest players on the 2024 - 2025 Official Team roster before you upload it onto Gotsport.
Clubhouse Information
Office Address
14424 Bristow Road Manassas, VA 20112
Hours of Operation:
Tuesdays: 5:00pm - 7:00pm
Wednesdays: 5:00pm - 7:00pm
Thursdays: 5:00pm - 7:00pm